Helene S. Mills Senior Center Mural
The seniors and their activities were the subject of this work, commissioned by the Fulton County Arts Council. The seniors had a dominant voice in the selection of the artist for this project. When the seniors visited my studio prior to installation and saw the murals, the spokeswoman for the group exclaimed, "You've got us: we're old, not dead!" This was a high compliment, since I set out to portray active, positive people who just happened to be of advanced age.
These are 3 of 8 panels that make up the set of murals at the Senior Center. The next image will show them in context.
Installation views in the Helene S. Mills Senior Center of Fulton County, commissioned by the Fulton County Arts Council. The Center is located in the historic Old Fourth Ward of Atlanta, the home of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Diversity was a major concern for this work, but is a concern of mine in all events.
Three non-contiguous panels virtually joined to convey the dimensionality of this piece.
Exterior of the Helene S. Mills Senior Center of Fulton Country.